Outro belo filme...
...com o poder de nos fazer acreditar que a Matemática pode ser...uma paixão!...e de como fica algo ténue a linha que separa a genialidade da loucura...
[Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by David Auburn, "Proof" follows a devoted daughter (Paltrow) who comes to terms with the death of her father (Hopkins) a brilliant mathematician whose genius was crippled by mental insanity -- and is forced to face her own long-harbored fears and emotions. She adjusts to his death with the help of one of her father's former mathematical students (Gyllenhaal) who searches through her father's notebooks in the hope of discovering a bit of his old brilliance. While coming to terms with the possibility that his genius, which she has inherited, may come at a painful price, her estranged sister (Davis) arrives to help settle their father's affairs. ]
[Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by David Auburn, "Proof" follows a devoted daughter (Paltrow) who comes to terms with the death of her father (Hopkins) a brilliant mathematician whose genius was crippled by mental insanity -- and is forced to face her own long-harbored fears and emotions. She adjusts to his death with the help of one of her father's former mathematical students (Gyllenhaal) who searches through her father's notebooks in the hope of discovering a bit of his old brilliance. While coming to terms with the possibility that his genius, which she has inherited, may come at a painful price, her estranged sister (Davis) arrives to help settle their father's affairs. ]

1 comentário:
não vi pq li q é mais do mm ou seja uma loa ao pai e à filha especiais e aos inteligentes diferentes dos outros...
mas afinal não somos todos + ou - inteligentes?
- estou farta de inteligência(s)
- que agradável é observar o anoitecer espelhado na superfície do tejo (todo assoreado e poluído no fundo)
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